Let's just say I've been in a funk.
I haven't quite felt like myself these first few weeks of spring. Anyone else have a case of the pale blues?
Sure, part of the blame goes to monthly hormones out-of-whack, but part of it is also just the blahs. For instance, this week I've been on a labor strike - piles of dishes, laundry piling up, unfinished projects linger... I've fallen asleep by 9:30 more times than not. And my book club pick remains unfinished...
Thankfully, I have an annual girls getaway on the horizon and I can't wait! {thanks, Mom!} I look forward to finally finishing that book, to getting a few anti-aging treatments and to doing as much exercise as I can. And, to lighten my mood, I think a trip to the colorist is in order. The verge of summer makes the perfect time for highlights. Don't you think?